I recently purchased a home with a workshop in the back yard. I will use this space for an art studio. This workshop needs a bit of work, which I have decided to complete myself. Thus, my art work will be put on hold until this studio is finished. This page documents the progress. I hope you enjoy!
My New Art Studio!
View from the entry, facing slightly left.
View from the entry, facing slight right.
Left side of the studio.
Right side of the studio.
Purchased the insulation (7/25/18)!
Insulation has been installed (7/28/2018)!
Insulation has been installed (7/28/2018)!
Insulation has been installed (7/28/2018)!
Drywall installed on ceiling (8/25/2018)
Drywall installed on ceiling (8/25/2018)
A productive day! Almost done dry walling the studio! Tomorrow should be the last day (fingers crossed)!
A productive day! Almost done dry walling the studio! Tomorrow should be the last day (fingers crossed)!
A productive day! Almost done dry walling the studio! Tomorrow should be the last day (fingers crossed)!
A productive day! Almost done dry walling the studio! Tomorrow should be the last day (fingers crossed)!
A productive day! Almost done dry walling the studio! Tomorrow should be the last day (fingers crossed)!